Solution Slide

We show you how to build a stunning problem side for your business pitch deck.


Why you should have a solution slide

If you successfully worked your way through the first slides of your pitch deck, you and the investors should have agreed upon the fact that there is a huge problem you are willing to solve. That is a good start!
Now is the time to show how you will solve this problem.

Always try to present your solution most realistically and innovatively. If you have a physical product, bring it - investors love to touch and play with it. If you have a digital product, show demos, mockups, illustrations, or videos of it, you want to impress the investors with everything you've got so far but also the things you will add in the future.

For some products, it is also a good idea to develop a story that demonstrates how your product delights the life of your future customers.

BaseTemplates ProTip:
Most entrepreneurs underestimate the fact that VCs look for amazing people than for great ideas. To show them more of your ability to solve the problem, take the investors on a journey of how you found the solution. It is a nice way to demonstrate your thinking patterns and to build additional trust.

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How you can build a killer solution slide

Content of the problem slide pitch deck

  • Your solution to the problem you discovered
  • Mockups, Videos, Graphics, Prototypes, Demos of the solution
Content of the pitch deck slide
Questions to answer with your pitch deck

Questions your slide answers

  • Does it really solve the addressed problem?
  • Is the solution so good that the customer will do everything to have it?
  • How will the customer feel after he used the solution?
  • Is the solution amazing?

Common Slide Mistakes

  • Including a video or live prototype that does not work (always get the backup)
  • Use bullet points
  • Painting a picture of what will be your solution and not showing a glimpse of what your current status is
Common Mistakes in Pitch Deck Slides
How to design a nice pitch deck slide

Slide design

  • Use a clear and quickly readable font style
  • Make sure to use high-resolution pictures
  • Keep the design simple


Examples of AirBnB & Mixpanel solution slides

The best examples of pitch deck solution slides consist of as little information as possible. They include a full-sentence that describes the solution. Additionally, founders can emphasize how great their product is by giving information through the use of icons or bulletpoints.

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